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Paul R. Baird Middle School


School Counseling

BMS School Counseling

Street sign photo. “Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal.”  – Henry Ford  


Counseling Corner


Office Phone Number 413 583-5685 

"The only real mistake is the one from which we learn nothing."- James Powell


Emily Herring


Emily Herring

8th Grade School Adjustment Counselor


Victoria Maleno

7th Grade School Adjustment Counselor


Kelly Kiltonic

6th Grade School Adjustment Counselor

  • Parents may want guidance in helping their children through middle school. These three years can be very difficult emotionally and academically for students as well as parents. Many changes are taking place and new expectations are being demanded. We suggest…

    1. Stay involved in your child’s life. Even though many children start to push away from their parents to gain independence, stay involved. Know where they are going and who their friends are.

    2. Ask questions. Even if your children may seem annoyed or frustrated with you asking questions, it shows you are interested in their lives. This goes a long way and whether they show it or not, your children will appreciate it.

    3. Work with the teachers. If you can’t seem to get a clear answer from your child about school, ask the teachers. They are here to help and will give you an idea of your child’s strengths and weaknesses. Many will have concrete suggestions for you to help your child succeed.

    4. Support and encourage your child! Instill an expectation that school is important.


    The role of School Counselors is to support the mission of the Paul R. Baird Middle School Counseling Department by facilitating the development and empowerment of all students to reach their potential in academic, career, and personal-social areas through a comprehensive and developmental curriculum. School counselors, with the assistance of parents, teachers, administrators and the community, encourage all students within the school to become effective learners, responsible citizens, and contributing members of society. Paul R. Baird Middle School supports the values of honesty, respect, resiliency, and empowerment and works to develop those qualities in each and every student through a safe and caring learning environment that encourages social responsibility and lifelong learning.

    Counselors are trained and educated in a master's degree program to help students find solutions to problems, meet the challenges of growing up and better understand and appreciate themselves and others. Students may seek out their counselors to speak about academic course selections, peer relationship problems, sorting out emotions, or even exploring future plans. Everything said between a school counselor and a student is held in the utmost confidentiality, UNLESS the safety of the student, or another, is in jeopardy. School counselors are mandated reporters, meaning they must report any signs of abuse, neglect, or safety concerns to an appropriate superior. 



    Throughout the year the counselors will be presenting a number of relevant workshops to the students.

    1. Orientation Counselors and Principals will travel to the 5th grade to introduce them to the Middle School. Students will learn about the expectations while in 6th grade the following year. Tours will be given over the summer for prospective students and families.

    2. Tolerance/Bullying Counselors and teachers will address the causes and consequences of bullying in the school. Tolerance and acceptance will be taught. Students will be introduced to a school-wide culture and climate curriculum.

    3. Stress Management  Counselors work within the 7th Grade Health curriculum to teach stress-coping strategies to students. The rigor and expectations of academic and social pressures can often overwhelm middle school students. BMS counselors are dedicated to helping students develop positive ways of handling stress and pressure.  

    4. Career Exploration Students will discuss and be given a chance to explore their future goals. Careers, school, values, and interests will be explored. Students will start to create their six-year career plan to help prepare them for success.


    Suggestions for future workshops are always welcome!

  • Parents may want guidance in helping their children through middle school. These three years can be very difficult emotionally and academically for students as well as parents. Many changes are taking place and new expectations are being demanded. We suggest…

    1. Stay involved in your child’s life. Even though many children start to push away from their parents to gain independence, stay involved. Know where they are going and who their friends are.

    2. Ask questions. Even if your children may seem annoyed or frustrated with you asking questions, it shows you are interested in their lives. This goes a long way and whether they show it or not, your children will appreciate it.

    3. Work with the teachers. If you can’t seem to get a clear answer from your child about school, ask the teachers. They are here to help and will give you an idea of your child’s strengths and weaknesses. Many will have concrete suggestions for you to help your child succeed.

    4. Support and encourage your child! Instill an expectation that school is important.


Sometimes children need more help than can be provided in school. Listed below are some agencies that can help.

GriswoldCenter at Wing MemorialHospital: 413-284-5400

Family Care Counseling 35 PostOffice Park, Wilbraham: 413-596-6922

Psych Care Associates, Winsor Street, Ludlow: 413-583-6750

Jim Levine & Assoc., 9 College Street, Hadley:  413-534-7400

Contact your child’s Pediatrician or Health Insurance Company for other local listings



 CHD: 1-833-CHD-TALK Psychiatric Crisis Services 24 hours a day